
Conscious Collaboration

Re-thinking the way we work together, for good.

Ben's book was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2016.

You can buy a hard copy or e-copy on Amazon or direct from Palgrave

Visit the book's website - conscious



When collaboration works, the results can be breath-taking!

But it doesn’t always deliver on its potential. Some collaboration can be painfully difficult with the result that problems are either ignored or smoothed over until the collaboration falters or disintegrates, or self-interest and personal agendas take over and conflict quickly arises.

Drawing on his experience in the aid sector and from working with non-profit organisations around the world, Ben describes the building blocks that underpin successful collaboration, and inspires you to re-think the way we work together, for good.



“What Ben has done is to live collaboration consciously in his daily work and in doing so has brought insights and actionable wisdom that go far beyond my own theoretical underpinning. In doing so he has created ideas about collaboration that will take the conversation a great deal forward.”   
Lynda Gratton,
Professor of Management Practice, London Business School

“A core challenge for society today is to try to work out how to get the best of both worlds – of collaboration and competition. If we don’t understand the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches, it is likely we end up with the worst of these two worlds. One is deeply rooted in
a ‘giving’ culture, while the other is more concerned with ‘taking’. Ben’s (work-)book combines his personal journey with a thoroughly argued, but readable, case for greater (Conscious) Collaboration. It is essential reading for us all if we are to make progress with the enormous challenges currently facing our society today.”  
Dr Bruce Lloyd,
Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management, London South Bank University

“Inspiring, humbling and emboldening! For the big issues facing organizations, communities, and societies, Ben makes the compelling case for conscious collaboration. But he also makes clear that it’s a choice, and takes courage. This book, deep, refreshing, honest and timely, leaves you emboldened to embark on your own collaboration voyage.”   
Alex Swarbrick,
Regional Director, Asia Pacific, Roffey Park Institute

"I thought after 35 years of being the CEO of three different multi-national, highly matrixed and siloed organisations there wasn't much new to learn about collaboration. But how wrong I was. Ben Emmens' book wonderfully gets to the core causes of ineffective collaboration and provides the best GPS system and solutions I've seen to consciously navigate the inevitable "partnership vortexes" any leader will regularly face."   
Jim Prouty,
CEO Sustainability/Finance/Real Economies (SFRE)